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Choose A Gem for Your Wardrobe: Recycled Linen Tabards

in Olive, Rust, or Cream by Air-Am Clothing

In your pursuit of the perfect blend of sophistication, edge, and eco-conscious fashion, your journey leads you to a unique gem—Air-Am's Recycled Linen Tabards. These limited edition pieces, available in mesmerizing Olive, Rust, or Cream, are designed for discerning women like you who seek sustainable luxury with a distinct touch.

Maria Autridge's Vision: Crafted by the Maestro

Embark on a journey into the avant-garde brilliance of Maria Autridge, the visionary behind Air-Am Clothing. Witness her commitment to sophistication, quality, and sustainable fashion, epitomized in each Recycled Linen Tabard—a true masterpiece handcrafted with passion in the heart of New Zealand.

Eco-Friendly Opulence: The Essence of Slow Fashion

Immerse yourself in the ethos of eco-sustainability with the Recycled Linen Tabards. Crafted from waste linen slub transformed into delicate yarn, these limited edition pieces symbolize Air-Am's dedication to slow fashion production. Your choice is not just a garment; it's a conscious decision to embrace quality that lasts.

Versatility Redefined: Your Canvas of Expression

Step into a world where your daily fashion becomes a canvas for self-expression. The Tabard's undefined front and back allow you to curate your unique look effortlessly. One side features a longer double rib-knitted band—a signature of Air-Am's Designer Brand—artfully worn to the front or back, depending on your mood and style.

A Timeless Collaboration: Patch and Slow Stitch with Purpose

What sets the Tabard apart is not just its beauty but its evolution over time. Embrace the intimate collaboration between you and your clothing as you Patch and Slow Stitch areas that may show signs of wear. This is more than fashion; it's an ongoing narrative, a personal story woven into each stitch.

Mesmerizing Hues: Limited Edition Luxury in Olive, Rust, or Cream

Maria Autridge's Tabard is available in three mesmerizing colours—Olive, Rust, and Cream. Each variant is a limited edition masterpiece, ensuring that your style remains as unique as you are. Air-Am Clothing celebrates New Zealand Designer Clothing, where sophistication meets sustainability in every thread.

More Than a Garment: A Lifestyle Statement

As Air-Am's ideal customer, you, much like yourself, seek more than just clothing; you crave a lifestyle statement. With discretion dedicated to quality, you indulge in the luxuries of life, embracing modern, different, and quality designer-made pieces. As a trendsetter, you're ahead of the pack, exuding confidence that reflects in your choice of edgy style.

Your Tabard, Your Signature: Elevate Your Style

Wear Air-Am and experience the art of sophisticated design embodied in every stitch of the Recycled Linen Tabard. It's not just a garment; it's your signature, your unique expression of edgy style and eco-conscious fashion. As you explore the world of Air-Am Clothing, let the Tabard in Olive, Rust, or Cream be the answer to your quest for sustainable elegance.

Recycled Linen Tabards




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